Thursday, October 9, 2014

Montreal day 1

So today was my first full day in Montreal.  Charles and Juan picked me up this morning at the hotel for breakfast, then afterwards we headed out for day 1 of the Bio Print seminar.

Charles went over a myriad of topics and the 14 points of bodyfat testing that gives an idea of hormone and/or mineral and vitamin deficiencies.  Charles also has great delivery and despite a topic that might seem boring, he has a way of presenting these things that definitely keep you from falling asleep.  Can't say the same for other seminars I've been to where listening to the speaker was about as fun as putting together one of those shitty entertainment centers from Target.

At lunch we went to a famous chicken place in Montreal that served an absolutely ridiculous roasted half chicken.  Charles and Juan eat slower than a crippled grandmother crossing the road, but I've used to pretty much everyone else eating slower than I do.

I also got to eat horsemeat for the first time.  A lady at the seminar had horsemeat jerky, and it was god damn delicious.

The seminar closed shop around 6, or a bit after, then the three of us went to train.  The gym itself was unbelievable.  The owner makes all of his own equipment it's very top notch.

Juan and I did back and bicep work and Charles did calves (for an hour).  I gave him a few pointers on what I did when I needed to bring my calves up and he put that work.  Let's say he had trouble getting down the steps after we were done.

I will do my best to give updates each day and fill in some pieces here and there.  I'm fucking beat right now so it's shower and relaxation time.

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