Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years!

Yeah I know it's early.  Still wanted to wish everyone a very safe and joyous ringing in of the new year.  I had a rough 2012, but I learned and grew so much from all of the struggles I survived, and mistakes that I made.

I plan on making 2013 as awesome as possible but anything can go wrong.  When it does, I will revert back to my code of being a man, a good man, and continue on.  I hope everyone fills their heart, mind, and spirit with all of the things they want to make them whole, better, and stronger.

You cannot be resurrected until you have first been destroyed.  If the last 365 days were a destruction of sorts for you, make the next 365 your ultimate resurrection.   

Everyone be safe.


  1. Thank you Paul, your blog has been a paradigm shift for myself, both in training and in how I conduct myself.

    Thank you for your writing, it has been influential on my training and my life.

    Have a great 2013, I will be following

    All the best!

  2. Happy New Year Paul. I am currently shitfaced after 10 hours of drinking and playing guitar at the local venue. I thank you for your massive efforts through the year in sharing your ideas, and wish you and everyone else well for 2013. LRB 365,bring it!

  3. I find this a beautiful statement.
    Best wishes

    1. Paul,

      Have you ever been in such situation of being completely destroyed?

    2. Yes. Many times. I drank for 7 hours once. That was not a pleasant experience later.
