Thursday, August 30, 2012

New home gym floor

Not that this is going to blow the socks off of anyone, but last night we put down horse stall matting for the home gym room.  I have been needing to do this for a long time.  It sucked to move this shit in (100 pounds per mat) but well worth it after.


  1. Makes it look even more like a underground rape fetish dungeon which can only be a good thing.

    1. HaHaHa, I was just thinking the same thing!

  2. Jelly. What was the total area, and what did that end up costing you? I know horse mats are a bit cheaper, but I imagine you still had to shell out a few bones.

    1. $34 a mat. I only had to buy 8. But I will need to get 1 more and cut it up to fix the small areas left over.

  3. 100lbs each huh? So you carried them in 10 at a time. Nice.

  4. Hey Paul, Nice job on the floor, I have a couple of those, they are awkward as hell to move about. Question on the August 9 split that your using now. Why no backoff set after the three singles? I am going to run this myself so I'm curious.

    1. I don't know what workout that is, but I never do back off sets on bench now. Irritates my pec minor too much.

  5. How's the smell? I heard that the "rubber" aroma can be pretty strong if they're not washed down properly.

  6. I think its insane an equipment company hasn't sponsored you. Your stuff is in every video. I think it would be a win-win.

  7. Man I wish I could find rubber like that here. Only place I can find them they're $90 each and that's without shipping which would be brutal for something that big and heavy.
