Friday, August 3, 2012

My moderately clean DC diet

My moderately clean weight gaining diet - I used this everyday for months a few years ago when I was training DC style. This took me to 255 pounds completely natural.

6 a.m. - wake - 2 scoops of vanilla whey with 16-20 ounces of pineapple-orange juice.

8 a.m. at work - heat up 6 egg whites + 2 whole eggs with turkey and cheese in it, in microwave. Oatmeal, 2 slices of bread with natural pean
ut butter, and a grapfruit.

10:30 a.m. 4-5 McDonalds Hamburgers

12:30 - 2 chicken breasts, 2 cups of rice, 1 bag of mixed veggies

3:00 - protein shake in water and 1 cup of oatmeal

train from 4 - 5 approx

PWO - 2 more chicken breasts or 8 ounces of red meat, rice, veggies

9:30 p.m. - shake in water


  1. It takes you up to 255 pounds, from witch starting weight

  2. Soooooooo, are we talking Hamburger-Hamburgers? or can we throw some cheese on that motherfucker??!??!?!?!

    PS- Your AMA on r/swoleacceptance was inspiring. You are a true Swolemerican Hero.

    1. Just the tiny hamburgers. Their profile isn't too terrible so I went with those.

  3. what are the macros and calories in the shake at the end of the day and how was the fat gain on this diet?

  4. what are the grams of fat protein and carbs and calories in the shake at the end of the day and how did the bf % fare on this diet?

    1. LOL you look at the diet and you think "what's the macros on the shake at the end of the day?" Do you think that REALLY matters in the grand scheme of things?

      I think I was probably somewhere around 18% or so by the time I finished. I had a pic for a long time of me when I finished but I can't seem to dig it up anymore.

  5. Ha, my thought was; that's a lot of food, I need to remember this when I'm trying to put on a few pounds.

  6. When you say 255 "relatively lean" what sort of picture should I have of that in my mind? I'm curious because I'd like to know what's attainable naturally. Also, do you recall the sort of poundages you were working with at the time?

    1. I will try to find the pic from that time, later today.

      At that time I think I think I was squatting like 500x4 no belt, but honestly I can't remember all my lifts because in DC you had the rotation so they got moved out here and there.

    2. You don't have to go through a bunch of trouble if you can't find it, just posting a pic of some other guy or (semi)-famous lifter who looked similar will do just fine as well.

      As for lifts, yeah I figured that, obviously DC has a ton of different exercises and you probably used some "odd" lifts as well (head presses, machine work, etc.). Still, 500lb squats for reps is pretty damn awesome, especially considering you were natural at the time.

      There's hope yet I guess..

  7. No disrespect Paul but now you look much more in shape and athletic, then on that photo

    1. None taken. This is not a look I'd ever want again. Too chub for me now, for certain. But I had been stuck in a rut for some time and used this time to push out of it.

  8. I got strong off DC, but it just mentally beat the fuck out of me. Very effective training system though

    1. Same for me. Eventually I was just burnt mentally on it. could never pick it back up again after that either. It just did me in on that style of training.

  9. Did you do any conditioning during that time?

    1. Yeah I did cardio every evening I wasn't lifting. Usually 45 minutes of steady state.
