Saturday, June 30, 2012

Training - Back, Hams, Biceps

Bodyweight - 244  wtf?

Behind the neck pulldowns - 20,20,15,12,10,8
Rear Delt Machine - 10,5,10
Seated Leg Curls - 100x5x20
Curls - 5x20

Just machine stuff, however I am thinking the behind the neck pulldown could be very valuable in regards to another movement..........


  1. Paul, I KNEW Jamie was gay when he recently created a facebook page. I suspect the alarm bells went off in your head, too.
    With him confirming it now, what are your thoughts?

  2. Phew... for a minute I thought "My work is done." meant the blog was over

  3. Hey Paul, SLL was awesome and definately worth the money. I also have your philosophy of training and was wondering if I can use the same excell sheet to plug in my numbers for running the new big 15?

  4. Seriously, Paul: you'd be smart to slowly distance yourself from this guy. You run a great blog, but Jamie's decisions and lifestyle choices will make people question you, too.
    Being gay is one thing, but when you have a dick in your mouth and up your ass for "money" or "I just like to fuck", well, that's a guy making bad decisions. Other than good lifts, he didn't have much credibility, now he will be a joke.

    1. I get what you are saying, however outside of doing a podcast together, Jamie isn't part of my "life". I'm a husband and father first.

      And for Jamie, maybe he doesn't feel like those are bad decisions. I don't know, we haven't talked about it. Again, it's not decisions I would have made, but he and I are obviously very different people.

    2. I've always thought that distancing yourself from people because of past actions that have nothing to do with your time with them was a fucked up thing to do. One of my best friends is an ex-junkie with herpes, who has done some truly horrendous shit. He's now married with a daughter, working on a PhD, and has literally saved my family from being homeless.

    3. I have a lot of thoughts on this Dray, but you pretty much echo my sentiments.

    4. "Other than good lifts, he didn't have much credibility"

      What credibility do you need except the ability to pick things up and put them down? Right...that's pretty much it. If any of you were that damn interested in the whole affair, you could actually go over to that man's blog and just say something right at him. But no, little bitches don't roll that way. You gotta sow little seeds of discord so you can get your internet drama fix...and over what? What another man did years ago on his own fucking time that did not involve death, dismemberment or even a grandma selling coke on the corner getting pushed down some stairs?

      Stop trying to fuck up my podcast time, you anonymous dickcunts.

    5. Shocking, but whatever, everybody has done dumb shit. The podcast is awesome and both your blogs are legit, keep up the good work.

  5. You still doing the curls with an empty bar?

    1. Nice. I've been doing them myself as a finisher after seeing the vid you posted. Motherfuckers are quite taxing.

  6. Wait 'till Rant shows up over there. He always accused Jamie's fans of sucking his dick. Who would have figured it was the other way around?
    That's irony for you.

  7. Paul,

    In one of your old posts you say " I have switched out all the whey shit for egg now. " Can you expand on that? Are there egg-based powders out there for shake-making and where would one find them

    1. Just look for a list of egg white protein. Jay Robb's is a good one.

  8. I think irony would be something like the guys that vilify Jaime for doing something like this would still watch the video just to see him workout.
