Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Training - Upperbody #1

Bodyweight - who gives a fuck

Db Bench - 140's x 5 setup was all fucked up, 140's x 11

Chins - 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3

Dips - body x 20,20,20

Notes - Felt like ass but pushed through as hard as I could.  Now to eat the nectar of the gods.  You know, carbs.


  1. Sounds like a rough workout Paul haha. Im going to be going on a small run of this kind of dieting/eating as the last phase in my leaning down. Ive never done ultra low carb before ever. Any advice? (you'll probably just say get lots of diet coke in).

    I have a random question for you. My favourite sport is boxing. A guy called Lamont Peterson has just been caught using synthetic testosterone in the lead up to his rematch with Amir Khan. He used testosterone pellets that you put under your armpit and get absorbed through the skin or something like that.

    They used a drug testing agency called VADA who are very thorough and do a big battery of tests as standard procedure, so they discovered his use.

    The USDA is the normal agency who usually does testing and they dont do further examination on you as long as you dont exceed a 4:1 ratio of test. In Nevada where some fights take place they dont do further examination as long as you are below 6:1 ratio.

    I dont know anything about test ratios and whats normal and what isnt. My question is are the 4:1 and 6:1 ratios naturally occurring test levels or are these doping agencies not doing their job properly?

  2. Now to eat the nectar of the gods...

    Whats on the menu?? Donuts and cake? Hehehe, enjoy.

  3. hey paul can you give me or show me some of the full body splits from dr. ken leistner, ive been trying to find some but cant find any? i read once you had a few of them and i want to do try something new cause i have been up and down stale for months. i would really appreciate it

    1. Doc Ken was big on squats, stiff legs, and overhead pressing with some dips, chins, and curls thrown in. That was really the basis of most of his routines. Squat, Stiff Leg, Overhead with some support work after, then on another day of the week something like Trap Bar Deads or Leg Press, Bench, Dip, Chin, Curl etc

      There wasn't anything special about the routines, it was the intensity that was required that made them work.

    2. oh ok makes sense, so he basically had an A and B workout, did he do that whole sequence twice a week or maybe three times a week such as ABA BAB?

    3. Generally doc trained twice a week.

    4. oh nice, thank you paul, i really appreciate your response to us on the daily. ima give this a go

    5. I'm a big Dr. Ken fan. If you really want to look into Dr. Ken's stuff, there's a collection of all the newsletters he wrote called The Steel Tip Collection. Good stuff. The only place I know where you can get it is here: http://www.oldtimestrongman.com/products/steel-tip-newsletter-collection-dr-ken-leistner
      Of course there are some places on the internet to find some of his articles. This might be his best known: http://www.cyberpump.com/preview/sense.html


  4. paul can you explain what is back loading? and can it be done with carb cycling or IF,

    1. Carb backloading. Google is your friend bro. That's how I learned. It's basically just eating all your carbs post workout but it's far more involved than that. And I'm not expert on talking about it, yet.

  5. Great lifts Paul, How much would you say you can incline on Dumbbell presses for reps?

    1. Probably something similar. My incline and flat bench are super close.

    2. Paul, do you chalk this up to your basic physical structure (so, luck), or something in your training history? I also noticed your incline and bench numbers are wayyy closer than mine.

    3. No idea. I just know that incline has always been a very natural feeling lift for me, while bench never really has. So my incline has always been pretty close to whatever I was benching. I'm about to go to 160's for all my db benching though.

  6. Hey Paul, now more than ever I realise how real strength peaking is. How would you suggest one takes this into account within the framework of 531?

  7. hey paul, ive been reading alot of your past posts and am trying to accomplish your what constitutes strong standards, i obviously have a ways to go. but so far in your past i found out ways to program all the lifts, but i wanted to ask you how do you program weighted dips like the sets, reps, ramping/straight, and the frequency. i know you used them twice a week on your overhead pressing routine but once a week on your standard powerlifting training sometimes.

    also do you clean and press every rep or just the first rep clean then press the other reps?

    1. I do weighted dips in a cycle like so........

      week 1 bodyweight x max reps

      week 2 - +90xmax reps

      week 3 - +45xmax reps

      week 4 - +135xmax reps

      no dips


    2. oh ok, thank you paul!

  8. hey paul on ur table of contents for the new book, do pipes mean arms?

  9. hey paul, i love the simplicity of the dip cycle up there, i suppose it could be applied to other lifts - squats 185 max reps, 245 max reps, 225 max reps, 275 max reps, no squats, repeat..
    might not be productive forever, but a nice thing to run for a couple months.

    btw, have you ever used the concept2 rowers? or "ergs" as some call them. I honestly think they are the only useful piece of cardio equipment in a gym - try do 3 500m sprints with abs or back ext's in between each sprint, or just go for 2000m as fast as possible.

    1. Never used one. I still love doing sprints, hills, and bag work and fighting.
