Saturday, May 26, 2012

Small Sessions 3 and 4

Last night -

upright rows - 65x100 reps total

Today -

Flat flyes - 25's x 5 sets of 20
face pulls - 5 sets of 20

superset - db curls/rope pushdowns - 5 rounds of 10 reps

Cardio - 15 minutes

Notes - Bodyweight was 252 this morning.  Errrr?  Ok.


  1. you at all worried that your bodyweight is creeping up?

    1. Not too much. If I bust over 255 then I'll need to put some things into perspective. But carbs have been low and I'm doing plenty of conditioning right now. I think honestly, I've just put on some quality mass over the last year and I'm bigger/heavier.
