So one may ask where I've been going with all of this IF and carb backload type dieting and questions about my training.
Here's the whole fuckin show.
I've said for a while that I need to be a bigger "242". The goal for a while has been to be as lean as possible at 242-245 or so for a while. So instead of dieting down to 225 and eating back up, and repeating this 10 times, these recomp style diets look better to me. In other words, it may take 8-16 months or whatever for it to happen, but I'm not dieting down, then up, then down, then up, etc to do it, while my strength goes up and down, up and down.
Training split -
My training has evolved right out of the new big-15 split, with the strongman deadlifting program I also outlined in the book.
So basically, I do 2 big and 1-2 small workouts all week, and then do conditioning 3-4 times a week, maybe more, but sometimes less if I feel especially tired.
So generally it looks like this.......
Tuesday -
Upperbody #1
Staple Press - with 50% set if my pec minor can handle it
Staple Pull - with 50% set or if it's a row, high volume
Secondary Press - either a top set to failure, more volume, or a top single. All depends on how I feel and what I want to do.
Thursday -
Small workout #1
usually Upright Rows, curls, and triceps
Saturday -
Small workout #2
usually rear delts, curls, calves, abs
Sunday -
Lowerbody #1
Strongman Deadlift Cycle (runs 5 weeks at a time then repeats)
The next week I run upperbody #2 lowerbody #2, etc. Sometimes I have three rotational days, so the third week could be upperbody #3 so forth and so on, but not usually.
Right now, I'm not worried about hitting max singles, and anyone that has followed my training posts here knows I generally don't do much of that unless I'm getting ready for a meet. My personal opinion is that everyone should be training to get as big as fucking possible all year, except for when it's time to prep for a meet, and then switch gears. I don't give a shit about hitting big singles at home or at the gym. Save the big ones for a meet. Otherwise, who cares? Really? I don't understand working to hit a PR in the gym in one of the three powerlifts. Do a fucking meet so that it actually meant SOMETHING.
And when you're not meet training, be training with reps, constantly trying to push the envelope there. I am using the strongman deadlift cycle I created because I still can't squat heavy. And the strongman deadlift program is mainly made up of fronts and pause squats with various deadlifts.
I do not need to train in a pure mass building fashion like I have outlined in the new big-15, because I am not after a shit ton more of mass. I am probably damn close to my genetic ceiling in terms of muscle mass. I am after a bit more refinement and brutal fucking strumpf. If I wanted to get bigger, and by bigger I mean like 260ish lean, I'd have to do things I'm not willing to do anymore. Namely, eat bigger, train more often, and run cycles I'm not willing to run. My mentality is that you should be strong all the time. Not because you're on cycle. Jesus fucking Christ, guys like that annoy me. If you can't hit 93% of what you hit in the meet year round, you're fucking up. Period. Change your mentality and quit being a drug whore.
Eating schedule -
I think I've outlined this about 100000 times in the comment, but sure enough the next post someone asks me "what does your diet look like?"
First off, let me state that my diet is for ME. Most guys I know my size, have to eat a shit ton of food to maintain 245-250. I can eat very little to maintain, and eat what every calculator says I should be eating for maintenance to GAIN weight. You need to figure out your own macros and calories in order to do what is best for you.
But just for your edification here is what a day might look like.........
5-6 a.m. - wake, coffee with whipping cream. Generally a whole pot.
9 a.m. - 1 scoop of protein powder in water (not always though)
11-:30 - 12:00 - McDonalds Bacon Ranch Grilled Chicken Salad w/ extra chicken breast or 1-2 Turkey burgers and veggies.
2:30 - 3:00 - 2 scoops isolate with 2 tbs peanut butter
4:30 - 5:00 - coffee with coconut oil and 1/2 scoop of isolate
5:00-6:00 - train
6:30 on - eat a shit ton of food.
On a non training day, just take out the "shit ton of food" and replace it with a meal similar to the 11:30 - 12:00 meal. I also sometimes have some cottage cheese and peanut butter before bed, around 9:30 or so. It just all depends on how hungry I am.
Who shouldn't do this -
This kind of eating, IMO, is for guys who are already very close to where they want to be in terms of mass or bodyfat, just not perfect on either side of the spectrum. Or guys that want to pare down bodyfat in a very slow manner.
So I'm running about 12% at 245, where I'd like to be more like 8% at 240.
So that leaves smaller guys who are trying to gain as much mass as possible. You should not eat like this. There is no reason not to get up and try to shove as many calories down your throat as possible each day. That's what I had to do when I was younger, and what every guy I know had to do in order to actually grow.
I think a guy higher in bodyfat could do ok with it as well, but he'd most likely be better off doing something like a normal bodybuilder low carbish diet, and not stuffing his face post training. Just my opinion.
Guys that want to do it because they see me doing it, should not be doing it unless they are in a similar spot (as close to being as big and as lean as they want). I did not get the mass and strength I have by eating this way. I did it via more traditional methods.
You need to remember, that my training and eating is always geared for ME in that point in time. The things I write about come from knowing what guys need to do to get to that next level. So if you're an intermediate, I know what you need to do to get to advanced. But advanced guys need to be smart enough to tweak their shit more uniquely.
To me, these kinds of diets aren't really meant for guys still finding their way. Even Chris Duffin wrote that if you are training for pure mass, IF style diets aren't the best option. It's not. If you're trying to gain a shit ton of mass, eating as much and as often as possible is the best way.
Stop being lazy -
This is a side rant actually. Some of you guys need to quit being so lazy and learn how to use Google and my own search bar.
I've literally logged over 800 articles/posts here and I get asked the same questions week in and week out. Seriously guys, use the search function before you ask a basic question. More than likely, I've answer it 58 times already. I've outlined the diet above at least 4-5 times this past week in comments. And it keeps getting asked. "What does your eating look like?"
Take 2 minutes out of your internet surfing time, and do a search on your question first, or some keywords. If you don't find what you're looking for, hit me up. But if the info is already there, use it. Saves you and me time.
Now go fucking train!