Hey Paul, I've been doing barbell lifting for a few months now and I could use some help. I'm squatting 265x3, DL 365x3, and standing pressing 145x3, but my f*#king bench is only at 185x3 and kind of stuck. I feel like that's to light given where everything else is. I've tried backing off the weight and doing more accessory work, but it doesn't wanna move. I've also tried dips / chins and pull ups....But I can't seem to do those at body weight either. Feels like my shoulders just aren't strong enough.
Any helpful ideas or thoughts would be great. Sorry if that's just a big rambling mess.
I always knew I was a bad bench guy cause I have long ass gorilla arms, but it just seemed low even for that. I'll go back and re-read those articles again. Thanks
I also suck at reg bench (being 6'5" with a 79" wingspan), so I've focused on weighted dips, closed-grip BP, and tons of upper back/shoulder support work. The two excercises I do on a regular basis (I do tons of sets as 'rest periods' between squats and DL's) are Face Pulls and standing Barbell/DB external rotation(http://www.all-about-arm-exercises.com/rotator_cuff_exercises.html). Give these a shot; I had awful shoulder issues after 10+ years of swimming, and now I have no pain, even after heavy sets of BTN Push Presses.
Paul I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for putting up this blog. Been following for a couple of weeks. I really enjoy your posts, and your advice for raw lifting is very helpful to me. In particular your 'raw squat' series. I'll give you a heads-up in couple of weeks (if you'll even remember this post haha) on my progress. So yeah, thanks bro.
Personal Q, what do you do when people ask you what your goals are, in particular people who generally don't give a shit about what you do but will still ask very specific questions? Do you answer honestly, or whatever? Kinda frustrated lately.
I just answer honestly. If someone is making small talk I just keep it simple. If it's more than that and they want to know I elaborate. Just use some calibration.
What are your thoughts on fat bar training? I have heard that using fat gripz or a fat bar for pressing movements can be beneficial for those with shoulder or elbow pain, but was wondering if you've experimented at all with it.
Heya, Paul. Do you have any thoughts about binge eating? It sounds like you may have some experience with the subject. My training is going well, but every two or three weeks I'll just go apeshit when it comes to eating junk food and lots of sugar and essentially erase my progress (in terms of stamina and fatness).
If you're a skinny dude and young, still growing it's not a bad thing. If you are naturally lean, it probably doesn't hurt.
If you're trying to get into shape it's not a great idea, unless you have been super strict on your diet for a while, and then it can raise leptin levels, which can kick the metabolism back up.
My suggestion is to just eat to be awesome, and then every once in a while loosen it up, but only if you have been on track for long enough to deserve it.
What is your suggestion on increasing pullups and/or is there any alternatives to them? I've been stuck at the same for many years now, I'm tall so naturally have a disadvantage to them.
With H-Drol retailing around $70 a bottle and PCT starting at $30 a regime, is an H-Drol cycle worth it? Or would the money be better spent on T-bones? What kind of gains/side effects did you experience with H-Drol? Is it all water weight? Particularly would it be beneficial for a 26 year old with 5 years of decent experience?
The best way I can answer that is this. Do you think you've maximized your natural potential yet? Are you as big and as strong as you can get naturally?
Hdrol is trash. If you want a real pro hormone then get Super DMZ...but you better hurry because it's about to be banned. by far the strongest oral out there, even stronger than Dbol or Anadrol. A cycle of that with a pct of clomid at 50mgs a day for a month.
Here is what I started doing 2 months ago, too early to tell if its working or not yet.
Week 1: 3 sets of assisted, although assisted feels way different than regular. Week 2: 5 sets of BW (4-5 reps currently) Week 3: 7 sets of weighted for 3 reps, (15-25lbs currently)
I might switch my first week with the first(or 3rd) week you suggested since I'm not liking the assisted pullup machine that much anymore.
Hi Paul, really looking forward to your book. Got a rough idea at all on when it will be available?
Also, is it normal for your bench numbers to turn shitty when losing weight? Im getting rid of some fat and have lost about 5kg over the last few months and my bench has taken a pretty big hit. My Squat and Dead dont really seem that affected and Overhead down a little.
Perfectly normal for the bench to take a dive when you lose weight. The squat will but it takes longer. The dead doesn't seem to care as much. Don't sweat it.
yeah that's pretty much my exact experience. I lost 25 lbs. and my deadlift is stronger than it was before, my bench dropped significantly and so did my squat.
Thoughts on CG Bench Press? I want to bring up my triceps size and strength. I have long arms, do you think an 8-10 inch grip is narrow enough? Some times I CG bench like that but don't feel my triceps as much. Any thoughts?
Paul, I just came upon your blog through Jamie's Chaos & Pain and have to confess I have spent the past week going through all your old posts...it's refreshing to see someone who shares similar values in the iron and life in general. Thanks.
If this question comes from left field, my bad.I just bought hdrol with its proper pct and wanted to your opinion on what to do with my training during the time I'm using it. I currently do 531 doing about 3-4 exercises total per training day and 2-3 sets on each. Would you recommend increasing the volume while using hdrol or keeping the training as is?
These kinds of questions are hard to answer for a lot of reasons. I never changed my training when I used PH's because I knew what worked. I don't think that training should really be any different for guys that are on something or not, in short.
I will be addressing this more in detail in my next article.
Yeah I wasn't sure as this is going to be the firs time. I will hold off for your article and then work things out. Thanks for taking the time to help man!
I've been using it for the past year and have been doing sets of 5-10+ with it. Recently, I saw Wendler's blog about using the hook grip and he talked about doing no more than sets of 3 with it and then coming back to the final set with straps and rep out.
I don't really like the idea of using straps for deadlifts but the hook grip has destroyed my hands-- and I don't really want to go back to a mixed grip lol.
I use it for light stuff now and then because I'd like to have it as an "option" for pulling, but I just hate it. I see no reason why to change from mixed grip to hook since I don't even have the fingers for it anyway.
I think it can convey a very slight bar height advantage, like deadlifting in socks instead of in shoes with a heel. That advantage may very well be negated by added pain of lifting with a hook grip though. And yeah, it will absolutely fuck up your hands if you do it too often. I do know some guys who swear by it, and it's definitely a nice option to have.
Hey Paul, Ive Been reading Jamie's blog lately and he has a series called baddest motherfuckers ever, which details training and achievements of, well....bad motherfuckers hahah. Who are in your opinion the top 5 baddest motherfuckers ever? -Nick
I'm an olympic lifter or at least I'm trying to be one. At the moment I'm struggling with strict overhead presses. I can do push presses and of course jerks/power jerks with some reasonable weight, but I can't even get close to 60kg/135lb/1 plate on OHP. My current training includes 4 training sessions a week, each session having some kind of pressing/push pressing work and once a week OHP. There I use 5 reps of 5 sets, first two sets lighter than the last three. Any tips for me?
1. When you did your standing presses I remember you mentioning that you preferred to clean them first. Did you hang clean or do a full clean (as in, clean the barbell from the floor)?
2. When it comes to neck work, do you recommend a neck harness or will neck "crunches" (I recall reading about you doing them back in the day) do the job just fine? I'm just looking to get rid of my pencil neck.
3. I'm gonna be moving in with my girlfriend soon, but she lives a bit too far away from my gym (I still be going to it, but only for lifting sessions), I do my cardio on a treadmill (steady state stuff for 35-45 minutes) but that obviously isn't gonna be working anymore when I move. I remember reading you do all your cardio outside (so I take it that includes steady state shit), but what would you recommend. It's not a hilly area unfortunately (unlike where I live) so I can't do hill sprints either. Would you recommend just brisk walking outside for 35-45 minutes or just doing sprints instead? I'm just looking to stay lean and keep a good level of conditioning.
Thanks in advance and keep the good shit coming, your blog is awesome and I can't wait until you release your Cradle to the Grave book.
Hey Paul I'm looking for a basic strength program that will allow me(somewhat of a beginner) to get my strength up on the basic lifts, while putting on a little bit of size. There are a ton of different programs out there, and i wondered what you would recommend. I'm forcing my self to keep a training log this time and complete the whole program, but i just need to decide on a program, and would like you advice.
Did you ever play football, or rugby? I think you would make a terrifying middle linebacker or 8 man. (BASICALLY A WRECKING BALL).
Serious question. I realize that touch and go deads are less advantageous for getting strong directly from the floor, at least this is my impression, but I have never had a problem getting anything to my knees. Most of my problems arise at about knee height, and then turn into a hitch. I guess my question is are touch and go's the best approach while doing a program like 5-3-1? Further, will they address my knee height issues?
I had a question about your current DL cycle. I see you are doing block pulls for the cycle. How are you determining the weight for your floor speed pulls? I assume this is all similar to your Strong-15. Just wondering if its a percentage or what. Thanks!
Damn! I cannot wait for your book! I have seen decent gains on Chaos and Pain, but I am starting to think that I need a little more structure than hitting 90% singles all the time (a ton of fun, but blurry vision and rubber legs aren't LOL).
I am really looking forward to your Anthology of Awesome!
Do you have any templates or suggestions on training just twice a week? I can only spare two days now, with work + school and training (BJJ + Dog Brother Martial Arts, three times a week). I am a newbie (100 kg squat, 75 kg bench, etc.)
I wanted to know your take on bottom position bench presses (off pins) and using fat gripz for benching. Would you use fat gripz for all sets except max attempts?
Also, I've been moving my squat up with linear weekly improvements until I said fuck it and went for a 20lb PR (scheduled 280, did 300 instead). This did not feel like a +10% workout, rather I have been squatting under my potential. If you experienced an event like this, would you drop back to 285 for the next week's single or push up to 305?
AJ - So you got stronger by training well under "your potential"? You hit a 20 pound PR on an average day.
Wow there's no way this can work!
Think about what you just wrote, and what you should do. Did I not just write about this in the book excerpt?
Pay attention people.
As far as bottom position bench presses go, I don't like em. It's hard to discern if you are in the exact position you will be in when you do your normal bench. I never found much carryover.
Would you say these same rules apply for something like, say, 5 rep programs (Starting Strength, Texas Method)?
I'm on SS right now, and before my last squat stall, I was breathing under the barbell for up to 10-15 seconds between reps... on a set of 5. Would that be a good time to go ahead and deload and work back up (training under my "potential" as Salvador put it) or keep doing widowmaker 5's?
Just wondering if you've ever used thermogenics like Lipodrene or Animal Cuts and the like or if you drop weight and lean out solely through dietary adjustments. Either way, do you think they're a useful tool or just another product to get hoodwinked by when looking for a quick(er) fix?
I liked ECA stacks when they were on the shelf. Other than that I just use diet and cardio. I don't care for the shakes and shit that most stimulants give me. I've never used clen for that reason.
Hey, Paul, website seems more popular than ever! I start the conditioning phase of the UB/WCS (which do you call it?) today, and I've got one issue with programming. My work schedule during this phase only leaves me Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday mornings to train. The program calls for conditioning 4 days a week. I thought about just getting up early one day to do some before work, but I'll be getting less than 7 hours of sleep Sunday-Thursday as it is, and it seems like a bad idea to cut into that even more. I feel like I have 3 options, but I wanted to get your input: 1) Condition twice on Saturday. Probably steady-state in the AM, and Hammer Swings in the PM. 2) Drop the steady-state, and do one meal plus shakes per day Monday through Thursday when there is no training. 3) Both. Do the double conditioning on Saturday AND do the shake diet on the 4 non-training days. The rest of my split will look like this: Friday: Upper Body lifts and Timed Mile Saturday: Hammer and Tire (and steady-state?) Sunday: Lower Body lifts and Incline sprints (no hills in my area, but some 30-40 yard inclines).
Hey Paul, in your reply to David, you mention week rhomboids being a possibility for weakness at the top of the deadlift, and rows being a solution that that. Do you have any preference on kinds of rows? I've been thinking of adding in seated cable rows to my deadlift days (probably 3x8-10 or so, and moving up in weight when I hit the top range in all sets). Does that seem reasonable?
Anything will work, however it's HOW you do them that matters.
Stay medium to light, and squeeze the weight into place. This is why I don't like heavy rows. If you can't hit 15 with it, it's too heavy. The row is there to build the mid back and rhomboids but the problem is, too many people cheat it, and get all sorts of other shit involved. Of course, you can't isolate, but you want to make the rhomboids work as hard as possible.
A good start is pendaly rows, cable rows, and db. The supported t-bar row is good as well.
Right, true enough. Basically keep it light enough and high rep to make sure that the movement is focusing, as much as possible, on the muscles I want it to hit. Should I keep the 3 sets, but with higher reps, or just go for one 15+ rep set, you think?
I don't do any other rows currently, but for back work as it stands I do chins on my OHP day, and face pulls on my bench day (which was yesterday). I think, at least for now, I'll try the cable rows and see how that's helped in a few weeks, and re-evaluate.
could you elaborate on how you trained during your DC days? I've seen your diet, but I don't think you've ever told us what sort of exercises you used, what your preferred RP rep ranges were, etc.
The head press is an overhead lift I came up with. Put a bench in a power rack and put the safety rails up so that when you sit on the bench, the bar sits just barely over your head. I mean like within an inch. I will do a video on it later.
Google the pjr pullovers. Most people don't do it right though. It's basically a db pullover but you emphasize the triceps in the movement.
wait paul so not being able to finish a deadlift lock out is because of the rhomboids like the last push with the hips?? also what about if a certain attempted max from the floor just wont even budge? what then? is that where mid shin pulls come in?
Do you think I'm overexaggerating the lockout on my deadlifts (hyperextending my lower back) to the point of it putting my at risk for injuring my lower back?
I don't know that you're putting yourself at risk but what I do see is that you're too focused on bring the weight back rather than pushing your hips forward.
Try to think of pushing your hips forward violently as soon as the bar breaks the knees, rather than pulling back. If you push the hips forward hard, the lockout will take care of itself.
Hi Paul, quick question. Hoping I'm not to late to ask.
Been reading strength-15 spreadsheet. The values I put in come to for e.g. 200.2 or 300.6. Plates are standard at my gym as 2.5lb is minimum weight, so would I just round up the first value to 200 and the second to 302.5?
Probably over thinking this, but I'd just like some clarification so I do it right the first time.
What exercises could you do to strengthen the muscles around the spine. I know the dead lift works amazingly, but is there something that you can use to get someone to the point where they can dead lift? I was thinking hypers would help.
Do you have anything else that may help? She really needs help strengthening her lower back and to a lesser degree her upper back.
Shawn - Hypers are very ideal for that. Just make sure you curve the back at the bottom and then back up. i need to make a vid of how to do hypers properly for folks.
Hi Shawn. I hope you Paul and you don't mind, but i do have a tip for how to strengthen your erectors and lower back.
As you stated earlier about deadliest they are awesome, but sometimes you might need a little more then just deadliest so Reverse hypers with bodyweight is a good choice. if you have access to a 45 degree hyper extension then just put a yoga mat on top or something to make it more comfortable and then just hammer away.
you can check up how this excercise performed in terms of muscle activation compared to a 405lbs deadlift.
Just wanted to hear your thoughts on peer pressure... and perhaps a future article/rant on it. The past few months i've been witness to some serius BS cases of peer pressure of some friends of mine. Think something along the lines of dropping a ton of money each weekend in some nightclub cause "all your friends are doing it" (while you have kids and are almost broke), buying some retardly overpriced flashy car cause "all your friends have one", eating like shit in the work canteen and being afraid of ordering something healthy cause "your coworkers will make fun of you for eating something other than the crap they eat", cheat on your bf/gf despite having a good relatioship cause... well you guessed it!
Damn dude, shit like that drives me nuts! If you are a grown adult and you let peer pressure drive your expenses or your way of life YOU ARE PATHETIC!
Whenever i tell that to the guys from the examples above (they are real) they bitch and moan saying i'm too harsh, strict, w/e... yes you need to let go some times and do something stupid with your buddies but letting them dictate such things? What do you think man?
Always be your own man, and try to live your life in a way you don't have to apologize to the people you care about. If you are going broke with kids at home and living in the strip clubs and cheating, you will eventually have a lot of people to apologize to.
Remember, the only people you should spend time or care of the opinions about, are the people who are going to cry at your funeral.
Strength, respect, and honor. If your behavior doesn't reflect these traits, make some changes until they do.
In the opening chapter of my book I talk about how we as men, need to model our lives after many traits of the male lion. His whole purpose is to be the symbol of strength, honor, and courage to his family (his pride). He has a legacy to protect.
As a man, ask yourself if you are doing everything you can to become that lion.
My thoughts exactly, yet almost noone wants to listen to me and actually grow some lion balls and say "no" to those pressuring them into such situations. I have no idea how to make them get out of that and i really want to, since some of those people are close friends of mine and really miserable inside, yet they can't stand up to the pressure they get from other friends/coworkers.
If you've said your peace about it, leave it be. People have to make their own choices and decisions in life. If you gave them your opinion about it, they know. They are the ones that have to live with the consequences of their actions.
Remember, the only people you should spend time or care of the opinions about, are the people who are going to cry at your funeral.
^ wow i never heard that saying before, that one of the best. i think of most ppl growing up take in this early on they will avoid a lot of problem down the road both male and female, thanks paul
The show is strange...full of creepy people. I never understood prepping for something then showing the whole world what you have. Seems like a good way to get your 50,000 pounds of food stolen...I think having some stores is a good idea. Having the ability to survive for a month or so without leaving is a good idea. And I am a gun nut, so the more the merrier as far as that goes. It certainly leaves you thinking. Things are fucked right now...wouldnt take much to push it over the edge.
Any tips for increasing reps on rollouts?
ReplyDeleteGo to failure on em. Don't worry about volume just go hard on em and try to break your reps each week.
DeleteHey Paul,
ReplyDeleteI've been doing barbell lifting for a few months now and I could use some help. I'm squatting 265x3, DL 365x3, and standing pressing 145x3, but my f*#king bench is only at 185x3 and kind of stuck. I feel like that's to light given where everything else is.
I've tried backing off the weight and doing more accessory work, but it doesn't wanna move. I've also tried dips / chins and pull ups....But I can't seem to do those at body weight either. Feels like my shoulders just aren't strong enough.
Any helpful ideas or thoughts would be great. Sorry if that's just a big rambling mess.
You might just not be a great bencher? Did that ever cross your mind?
DeleteSecond, did you read my article about developing your raw bench to help with some technique issues?
I always knew I was a bad bench guy cause I have long ass gorilla arms, but it just seemed low even for that.
DeleteI'll go back and re-read those articles again. Thanks
Wut? A bad bencher? I deadlift over 500lb and can only bench 225...
DeleteHey Sin,
DeleteI also suck at reg bench (being 6'5" with a 79" wingspan), so I've focused on weighted dips, closed-grip BP, and tons of upper back/shoulder support work. The two excercises I do on a regular basis (I do tons of sets as 'rest periods' between squats and DL's) are Face Pulls and standing Barbell/DB external rotation(http://www.all-about-arm-exercises.com/rotator_cuff_exercises.html). Give these a shot; I had awful shoulder issues after 10+ years of swimming, and now I have no pain, even after heavy sets of BTN Push Presses.
Paul, your thoughts?
I think that's a great job of figuring out what worked for you. This is what lifting is all about.
DeletePaul I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for putting up this blog. Been following for a couple of weeks. I really enjoy your posts, and your advice for raw lifting is very helpful to me. In particular your 'raw squat' series. I'll give you a heads-up in couple of weeks (if you'll even remember this post haha) on my progress. So yeah, thanks bro.
ReplyDeletePersonal Q, what do you do when people ask you what your goals are, in particular people who generally don't give a shit about what you do but will still ask very specific questions? Do you answer honestly, or whatever? Kinda frustrated lately.
Also, Chaos & Bang 2? :3
I just answer honestly. If someone is making small talk I just keep it simple. If it's more than that and they want to know I elaborate. Just use some calibration.
DeleteHi Paul,
ReplyDeleteWhat are your thoughts on fat bar training? I have heard that using fat gripz or a fat bar for pressing movements can be beneficial for those with shoulder or elbow pain, but was wondering if you've experimented at all with it.
Very little. Good for deadlift grip work. Give it a try and see how it works for you.
DeleteHeya, Paul. Do you have any thoughts about binge eating? It sounds like you may have some experience with the subject. My training is going well, but every two or three weeks I'll just go apeshit when it comes to eating junk food and lots of sugar and essentially erase my progress (in terms of stamina and fatness).
ReplyDeletehahahahaha I def have some experience with it.
DeleteIf you're a skinny dude and young, still growing it's not a bad thing. If you are naturally lean, it probably doesn't hurt.
If you're trying to get into shape it's not a great idea, unless you have been super strict on your diet for a while, and then it can raise leptin levels, which can kick the metabolism back up.
My suggestion is to just eat to be awesome, and then every once in a while loosen it up, but only if you have been on track for long enough to deserve it.
Hey Paul when you talk about steady state, do you mean just walking, or is jogging in there too?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is jogging is fine if you're still eating decent amounts of carbs, but walking if you're for some lame reason on low carb. That about right?
Just walking. I like 35-45 minutes first thing in the morning.
DeleteWhat is your suggestion on increasing pullups and/or is there any alternatives to them? I've been stuck at the same for many years now, I'm tall so naturally have a disadvantage to them.
Do weighted ones working up to a single. Then with a max bodyweight back off.
DeleteThe next week do higher volume, like 7 sets of 5.
The next week do heavy pulldowns.
With H-Drol retailing around $70 a bottle and PCT starting at $30 a regime, is an H-Drol cycle worth it? Or would the money be better spent on T-bones? What kind of gains/side effects did you experience with H-Drol? Is it all water weight? Particularly would it be beneficial for a 26 year old with 5 years of decent experience?
ReplyDeleteThe best way I can answer that is this. Do you think you've maximized your natural potential yet? Are you as big and as strong as you can get naturally?
DeleteHdrol is trash. If you want a real pro hormone then get Super DMZ...but you better hurry because it's about to be banned. by far the strongest oral out there, even stronger than Dbol or Anadrol. A cycle of that with a pct of clomid at 50mgs a day for a month.
Deleteh-drol was basically oral turinibol, which is a great oral. No sides, easy on the liver, and good gains with almost no water.
DeleteIt's not all about how strong or big something gets you bruiser. There's a lot of other factors.
What are the other factors for taking roids/pseudo roids
DeleteYou'd have to be more specific.......
DeleteJust started the big-15 about how many reps should we look forward to hitting when we do the AMAP set, is there a set/ideal number or range?
ReplyDeleteThank you
Sam D
8-12 for upperbody..12-20 for lower. This is getting revamped in the book as well. More explanation and a change in the programming.
DeletePaul, what is your diet looking like atm?
ReplyDeletePretty much my shake diet. 4 shakes a day with two meals. That seems the be the best way for me not to get too far above 240.
DeleteHere is what I started doing 2 months ago, too early to tell if its working or not yet.
ReplyDeleteWeek 1: 3 sets of assisted, although assisted feels way different than regular.
Week 2: 5 sets of BW (4-5 reps currently)
Week 3: 7 sets of weighted for 3 reps, (15-25lbs currently)
I might switch my first week with the first(or 3rd) week you suggested since I'm not liking the assisted pullup machine that much anymore.
Hi Paul, really looking forward to your book. Got a rough idea at all on when it will be available?
ReplyDeleteAlso, is it normal for your bench numbers to turn shitty when losing weight? Im getting rid of some fat and have lost about 5kg over the last few months and my bench has taken a pretty big hit. My Squat and Dead dont really seem that affected and Overhead down a little.
Book is going to be a while. TONS of info in it.
DeletePerfectly normal for the bench to take a dive when you lose weight. The squat will but it takes longer. The dead doesn't seem to care as much. Don't sweat it.
yeah that's pretty much my exact experience. I lost 25 lbs. and my deadlift is stronger than it was before, my bench dropped significantly and so did my squat.
DeleteHey Paul,
ReplyDeleteThoughts on CG Bench Press? I want to bring up my triceps size and strength. I have long arms, do you think an 8-10 inch grip is narrow enough? Some times I CG bench like that but don't feel my triceps as much. Any thoughts?
I only close grip bench. 15" between my hands on the spacing.
DeleteGood to know. Is it because of preference? safety on shoulders?
DeleteRight, easier on the shoulders. EVeryone that I have talked into going close grip full time thanks for. No more shoulder issues.
DeletePaul, I just came upon your blog through Jamie's Chaos & Pain and have to confess I have spent the past week going through all your old posts...it's refreshing to see someone who shares similar values in the iron and life in general. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIf this question comes from left field, my bad.I just bought hdrol with its proper pct and wanted to your opinion on what to do with my training during the time I'm using it. I currently do 531 doing about 3-4 exercises total per training day and 2-3 sets on each. Would you recommend increasing the volume while using hdrol or keeping the training as is?
Writing an article addressing this.
DeleteThese kinds of questions are hard to answer for a lot of reasons. I never changed my training when I used PH's because I knew what worked. I don't think that training should really be any different for guys that are on something or not, in short.
I will be addressing this more in detail in my next article.
Yeah I wasn't sure as this is going to be the firs time. I will hold off for your article and then work things out. Thanks for taking the time to help man!
DeleteNot a problem. If it's the first time and you haven't popped your own cherry yet you will def want to wait on this one.
DeleteHi Paul,
ReplyDeleteHave you experimented with the hook grip before?
I've been using it for the past year and have been doing sets of 5-10+ with it. Recently, I saw Wendler's blog about using the hook grip and he talked about doing no more than sets of 3 with it and then coming back to the final set with straps and rep out.
I don't really like the idea of using straps for deadlifts but the hook grip has destroyed my hands-- and I don't really want to go back to a mixed grip lol.
What do you think? Thanks!
I use it for light stuff now and then because I'd like to have it as an "option" for pulling, but I just hate it. I see no reason why to change from mixed grip to hook since I don't even have the fingers for it anyway.
DeleteI think it can convey a very slight bar height advantage, like deadlifting in socks instead of in shoes with a heel. That advantage may very well be negated by added pain of lifting with a hook grip though. And yeah, it will absolutely fuck up your hands if you do it too often. I do know some guys who swear by it, and it's definitely a nice option to have.
DeleteHey Paul, Ive Been reading Jamie's blog lately and he has a series called baddest motherfuckers ever, which details training and achievements of, well....bad motherfuckers hahah. Who are in your opinion the top 5 baddest motherfuckers ever?
Santa Clause - Can deliver toys to every good kid in the world in 1 fucking night.
DeleteEaster Bunny - Does the same as Santa, but just drops off baskets filled with chocolate.
Keith Richards - Obviously cannot overdose no matter how much he takes.
Magic Johnson - HIV cannot even kill him!
Charlie Sheen - Has Tiger Blood. What's tougher than that?
Hi Paul.
ReplyDeleteI really don't have any question though, but i do want to share something with you.
I recently saw this guy on you tube deadlifting over 700lbs and he was SKINNY..think it was through Martin Rooney's You tube channel ( TFW ).
anyways, the deadlifters name is Rich Sadiv and WOW, he makes pulling heavy shit look easy!
Have a nice weekend!
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteI'm an olympic lifter or at least I'm trying to be one. At the moment I'm struggling with strict overhead presses. I can do push presses and of course jerks/power jerks with some reasonable weight, but I can't even get close to 60kg/135lb/1 plate on OHP.
My current training includes 4 training sessions a week, each session having some kind of pressing/push pressing work and once a week OHP. There I use 5 reps of 5 sets, first two sets lighter than the last three. Any tips for me?
Don't do any pressing for 1 week and then try it.
DeleteHey Paul,
ReplyDeleteI have three questions for you:
1. When you did your standing presses I remember you mentioning that you preferred to clean them first. Did you hang clean or do a full clean (as in, clean the barbell from the floor)?
2. When it comes to neck work, do you recommend a neck harness or will neck "crunches" (I recall reading about you doing them back in the day) do the job just fine? I'm just looking to get rid of my pencil neck.
3. I'm gonna be moving in with my girlfriend soon, but she lives a bit too far away from my gym (I still be going to it, but only for lifting sessions), I do my cardio on a treadmill (steady state stuff for 35-45 minutes) but that obviously isn't gonna be working anymore when I move. I remember reading you do all your cardio outside (so I take it that includes steady state shit), but what would you recommend. It's not a hilly area unfortunately (unlike where I live) so I can't do hill sprints either. Would you recommend just brisk walking outside for 35-45 minutes or just doing sprints instead? I'm just looking to stay lean and keep a good level of conditioning.
Thanks in advance and keep the good shit coming, your blog is awesome and I can't wait until you release your Cradle to the Grave book.
1. hang clean usually
Delete2. plate raises are great (the neck crunches). that's all I ever did and it worked just fine.
3. Do both. For sprints just find a 30-40 yard area and do that. Steady state is obviously not an issue.
Thanks a ton Paul. Concerning neck crunches does weight matter? Should I be aiming for progression?
DeleteHey Paul
ReplyDeleteI'm looking for a basic strength program that will allow me(somewhat of a beginner) to get my strength up on the basic lifts, while putting on a little bit of size. There are a ton of different programs out there, and i wondered what you would recommend. I'm forcing my self to keep a training log this time and complete the whole program, but i just need to decide on a program, and would like you advice.
I always recommend starting strength to new guys, and that's a great place to start. I will be addressing this in the new book.
DeleteHey Paul,
ReplyDeleteDid you ever play football, or rugby? I think you would make a terrifying middle linebacker or 8 man. (BASICALLY A WRECKING BALL).
Serious question. I realize that touch and go deads are less advantageous for getting strong directly from the floor, at least this is my impression, but I have never had a problem getting anything to my knees. Most of my problems arise at about knee height, and then turn into a hitch. I guess my question is are touch and go's the best approach while doing a program like 5-3-1? Further, will they address my knee height issues?
I played middle backer for a long time.
DeleteYour lockout issue is due to either.....
1. technique and not pushing your hips through at the right time
2. weakness in your rhomboids, which can be taken care of by doing a lot of rows.
3. you're simply not generating enough force off the floor to finish the movement.
It's probably a combination of all three. Which simply means, you need to get stronger and perfect your technique.
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteI had a question about your current DL cycle. I see you are doing block pulls for the cycle. How are you determining the weight for your floor speed pulls? I assume this is all similar to your Strong-15. Just wondering if its a percentage or what. Thanks!
I have the block deads, speed pulls, and stiff legs all programmed into this cycle. It will be in the new book.
DeleteDamn! I cannot wait for your book! I have seen decent gains on Chaos and Pain, but I am starting to think that I need a little more structure than hitting 90% singles all the time (a ton of fun, but blurry vision and rubber legs aren't LOL).
DeleteI am really looking forward to your Anthology of Awesome!
Do you have any templates or suggestions on training just twice a week? I can only spare two days now, with work + school and training (BJJ + Dog Brother Martial Arts, three times a week). I am a newbie (100 kg squat, 75 kg bench, etc.)
Use the search bar at the top on my article for strength training for MMA.
DeleteHi Paul,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to know your take on bottom position bench presses (off pins) and using fat gripz for benching. Would you use fat gripz for all sets except max attempts?
Also, I've been moving my squat up with linear weekly improvements until I said fuck it and went for a 20lb PR (scheduled 280, did 300 instead). This did not feel like a +10% workout, rather I have been squatting under my potential. If you experienced an event like this, would you drop back to 285 for the next week's single or push up to 305?
AJ - So you got stronger by training well under "your potential"? You hit a 20 pound PR on an average day.
DeleteWow there's no way this can work!
Think about what you just wrote, and what you should do. Did I not just write about this in the book excerpt?
Pay attention people.
As far as bottom position bench presses go, I don't like em. It's hard to discern if you are in the exact position you will be in when you do your normal bench. I never found much carryover.
Would you say these same rules apply for something like, say, 5 rep programs (Starting Strength, Texas Method)?
DeleteI'm on SS right now, and before my last squat stall, I was breathing under the barbell for up to 10-15 seconds between reps... on a set of 5. Would that be a good time to go ahead and deload and work back up (training under my "potential" as Salvador put it) or keep doing widowmaker 5's?
Jess - If you're breathing that long on sets of 5 it sounds like you need to put conditioning on the forefront for a while.
DeleteOk, thanks. Need to drop a few pounds anyway.
Hey Paul,
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if you've ever used thermogenics like Lipodrene or Animal Cuts and the like or if you drop weight and lean out solely through dietary adjustments. Either way, do you think they're a useful tool or just another product to get hoodwinked by when looking for a quick(er) fix?
- Otter
I liked ECA stacks when they were on the shelf. Other than that I just use diet and cardio. I don't care for the shakes and shit that most stimulants give me. I've never used clen for that reason.
DeleteHey, Paul, website seems more popular than ever! I start the conditioning phase of the UB/WCS (which do you call it?) today, and I've got one issue with programming. My work schedule during this phase only leaves me Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday mornings to train. The program calls for conditioning 4 days a week. I thought about just getting up early one day to do some before work, but I'll be getting less than 7 hours of sleep Sunday-Thursday as it is, and it seems like a bad idea to cut into that even more. I feel like I have 3 options, but I wanted to get your input:
ReplyDelete1) Condition twice on Saturday. Probably steady-state in the AM, and Hammer Swings in the PM.
2) Drop the steady-state, and do one meal plus shakes per day Monday through Thursday when there is no training.
3) Both. Do the double conditioning on Saturday AND do the shake diet on the 4 non-training days.
The rest of my split will look like this:
Friday: Upper Body lifts and Timed Mile
Saturday: Hammer and Tire (and steady-state?)
Sunday: Lower Body lifts and Incline sprints (no hills in my area, but some 30-40 yard inclines).
Any input one way or another?
Don't under eat. Do more conditioning when in doubt.
Deleteoption 1 looks good
Hey Paul, in your reply to David, you mention week rhomboids being a possibility for weakness at the top of the deadlift, and rows being a solution that that. Do you have any preference on kinds of rows? I've been thinking of adding in seated cable rows to my deadlift days (probably 3x8-10 or so, and moving up in weight when I hit the top range in all sets). Does that seem reasonable?
Anything will work, however it's HOW you do them that matters.
DeleteStay medium to light, and squeeze the weight into place. This is why I don't like heavy rows. If you can't hit 15 with it, it's too heavy. The row is there to build the mid back and rhomboids but the problem is, too many people cheat it, and get all sorts of other shit involved. Of course, you can't isolate, but you want to make the rhomboids work as hard as possible.
A good start is pendaly rows, cable rows, and db. The supported t-bar row is good as well.
Right, true enough. Basically keep it light enough and high rep to make sure that the movement is focusing, as much as possible, on the muscles I want it to hit. Should I keep the 3 sets, but with higher reps, or just go for one 15+ rep set, you think?
DeleteI don't do any other rows currently, but for back work as it stands I do chins on my OHP day, and face pulls on my bench day (which was yesterday). I think, at least for now, I'll try the cable rows and see how that's helped in a few weeks, and re-evaluate.
Thanks again, very much appreciated.
Do you like Kroc Rows?
Yeah just not as much as pendlay or cable rows.
DeleteI'd do 4-5 sets of 15. Light to medium.
ReplyDeletehey paul,
ReplyDeletecould you elaborate on how you trained during your DC days? I've seen your diet, but I don't think you've ever told us what sort of exercises you used, what your preferred RP rep ranges were, etc.
oh yea paul i wantede to ask you this too ? - steve
DeleteI did the 3x a week with the chest/shoulder/tricep/back day, and then the bicep and leg day split.
DeleteThe movements that pop right into my head that I used a lot.........
above the knee rack pulls
rack chins
head press
pjr pullovers
incline press
preacher curls
db bench
for upperbody I tried to keep reps in the 8-12 rep range on the first set, and legs 10-15.
hey paul whats a head press and a pjr pullover
DeleteThe head press is an overhead lift I came up with. Put a bench in a power rack and put the safety rails up so that when you sit on the bench, the bar sits just barely over your head. I mean like within an inch. I will do a video on it later.
DeleteGoogle the pjr pullovers. Most people don't do it right though. It's basically a db pullover but you emphasize the triceps in the movement.
wait paul so not being able to finish a deadlift lock out is because of the rhomboids like the last push with the hips?? also what about if a certain attempted max from the floor just wont even budge? what then? is that where mid shin pulls come in?
The finish is pushing the hips through. However if the rhomboids are not strong enough to help then it won't matter.
DeleteIf it won't budge????????
It just means you're not strong enough.
Seriously man......lol
Hey Paul,
ReplyDeleteDo you think I'm overexaggerating the lockout on my deadlifts (hyperextending my lower back) to the point of it putting my at risk for injuring my lower back?
I don't know that you're putting yourself at risk but what I do see is that you're too focused on bring the weight back rather than pushing your hips forward.
DeleteTry to think of pushing your hips forward violently as soon as the bar breaks the knees, rather than pulling back. If you push the hips forward hard, the lockout will take care of itself.
Hi Paul, quick question. Hoping I'm not to late to ask.
ReplyDeleteBeen reading strength-15 spreadsheet. The values I put in come to for e.g. 200.2 or 300.6. Plates are standard at my gym as 2.5lb is minimum weight, so would I just round up the first value to 200 and the second to 302.5?
Probably over thinking this, but I'd just like some clarification so I do it right the first time.
Rounding up or down is fine. No problem there.
DeleteHey Paul,
ReplyDeleteWhat exercises could you do to strengthen the muscles around the spine. I know the dead lift works amazingly, but is there something that you can use to get someone to the point where they can dead lift? I was thinking hypers would help.
Do you have anything else that may help? She really needs help strengthening her lower back and to a lesser degree her upper back.
Thanks for the input on this,
Shawn - Hypers are very ideal for that. Just make sure you curve the back at the bottom and then back up. i need to make a vid of how to do hypers properly for folks.
DeleteHi Shawn. I hope you Paul and you don't mind, but i do have a tip for how to strengthen your erectors and lower back.
DeleteAs you stated earlier about deadliest they are awesome, but sometimes you might need a little more then just deadliest so Reverse hypers with bodyweight is a good choice. if you have access to a 45 degree hyper extension then just put a yoga mat on top or something to make it more comfortable and then just hammer away.
you can check up how this excercise performed in terms of muscle activation compared to a 405lbs deadlift.
(it is the second from the bottom)
Hope this may help a bit.
Thanks for the reply both of you,
DeleteDo you have a video of someone using the 45 degree hyper machine?
Do you know when your going to be able to get a video up on how you do hypers Paul? I think i know what you mean, but i'm not completely sure.
Video upcoming Shawn.
DeleteHey Paul,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to hear your thoughts on peer pressure... and perhaps a future article/rant on it.
The past few months i've been witness to some serius BS cases of peer pressure of some friends of mine. Think something along the lines of dropping a ton of money each weekend in some nightclub cause "all your friends are doing it" (while you have kids and are almost broke), buying some retardly overpriced flashy car cause "all your friends have one", eating like shit in the work canteen and being afraid of ordering something healthy cause "your coworkers will make fun of you for eating something other than the crap they eat", cheat on your bf/gf despite having a good relatioship cause... well you guessed it!
Damn dude, shit like that drives me nuts! If you are a grown adult and you let peer pressure drive your expenses or your way of life YOU ARE PATHETIC!
Whenever i tell that to the guys from the examples above (they are real) they bitch and moan saying i'm too harsh, strict, w/e... yes you need to let go some times and do something stupid with your buddies but letting them dictate such things? What do you think man?
Always be your own man, and try to live your life in a way you don't have to apologize to the people you care about. If you are going broke with kids at home and living in the strip clubs and cheating, you will eventually have a lot of people to apologize to.
DeleteRemember, the only people you should spend time or care of the opinions about, are the people who are going to cry at your funeral.
Strength, respect, and honor. If your behavior doesn't reflect these traits, make some changes until they do.
In the opening chapter of my book I talk about how we as men, need to model our lives after many traits of the male lion. His whole purpose is to be the symbol of strength, honor, and courage to his family (his pride). He has a legacy to protect.
As a man, ask yourself if you are doing everything you can to become that lion.
My thoughts exactly, yet almost noone wants to listen to me and actually grow some lion balls and say "no" to those pressuring them into such situations. I have no idea how to make them get out of that and i really want to, since some of those people are close friends of mine and really miserable inside, yet they can't stand up to the pressure they get from other friends/coworkers.
DeleteIf you've said your peace about it, leave it be. People have to make their own choices and decisions in life. If you gave them your opinion about it, they know. They are the ones that have to live with the consequences of their actions.
DeleteRemember, the only people you should spend time or care of the opinions about, are the people who are going to cry at your funeral.
Delete^ wow i never heard that saying before, that one of the best. i think of most ppl growing up take in this early on they will avoid a lot of problem down the road both male and female, thanks paul
When I was in the military a good friend of mine told me that saying. I've never forgotten it since.
Deleteamen to that brother
DeleteWhat are your thoughts on strong 15 with some olympic lifts 3x a week while training Krav/Grappling the other 4?
ReplyDeleteI don't care for doing Oly lifts personally.
DeleteDoing the strong-15 and training twice a week is a great idea while doing some fighting.
Thoughts on the show Doomsday Preppers?
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen it yet, but it looks incredibly interesting!
DeleteThoughts on the concept then...prepping for a potential doomsday?
ReplyDeleteSeems fun to me! I need to catch up on that show now!
DeleteThe show is strange...full of creepy people. I never understood prepping for something then showing the whole world what you have. Seems like a good way to get your 50,000 pounds of food stolen...I think having some stores is a good idea. Having the ability to survive for a month or so without leaving is a good idea. And I am a gun nut, so the more the merrier as far as that goes. It certainly leaves you thinking. Things are fucked right now...wouldnt take much to push it over the edge.
ReplyDeleteRick I must watch!
DeleteHave you heard anything from people who took up the skwat, push, pull challenge? It's going very well for me.
ReplyDeleteWaiting on April the 1st to see where everyone is at after the first quarter.
DeleteGlad you have a real nut sack Paul. But of course you do, with a fucking stud first name like that.
I really did LOL at your answer. Stud name indeed!