Thursday, March 8, 2012

Training - Deadlifts

Bodyweight - 235 <- cleaned up the diet a LOT

4" block pulls -

Speed Pulls -

Elevated Stiff Legs - 385x10
Shrugs no straps - 315x10

Notes - I have a sinus infection.  I finally bit the bullet and got some antibiotics, but lemme tell you I feel bad.  However with that said, the workout itself was a very solid 80%er.  I'm still happy with the speed that my block deads are moving.  Again, this is the hardest range for me to pull from.  I generally pull more from the floor than I pull from here.  So I'm feeling pretty good about my chances at a 700 pull in April.


  1. What do you mean when you said "cleaned diet up a lot" like obviously you were more strict with it but what did you add in/remove.


    1. Just eating too many carbs. I know my body and how much is too much. Just got back to being strict again.

    2. probably a dumb question, but what weight are you wanting to be at for the upcoming meet?

  2. You're a beast dude. Love the blog, got here from the reddit AMA. Good luck with everything.

    1. I'm no beast. Just average.

      And thanks for the support!

  3. Totally off topic, what would you suggest for a split emphasizing more upper body and maintaining lower body?

    1. Train upperbody twice a week and lower body once. Or even 3 to 1. Is your lower body too big? The only person I could ever say had that problem was tom platz....

  4. lol not even close. No shoulder width or chest and would just like to bring it up, get the illusion going at least.

    1. Then just think about building the whole body. nothing makes me laugh more in the gym than to see the same guys in there doing set after set of bench and curl, and they wear those long silky shorts and you can tell they have no wheels or calves at all.

      There are lots of those guys. Don't be one.

  5. Hi Paul,

    I just bought your Strong-15 and Big-15 programs (reading it right now) but I was wondering what would be the best template for someone who's not a competitive lifter (yet) but is looking to get bigger and stronger.

    I read that, and from my understanding, it seems like the LRB template is the most suitable one for me. Please advise.


    1. Big-15 with conditioning. You can use the LRB template if you want. That's probably the best template I have ever developed.

  6. Very solid pull! You may not think you are a beast but your numbers deserve recognition. 242's at USAPL nationals was win by a guy going 605, 462, 622. Just some food for thought! Keep doing what you are doing man!


    1. thanks Bo. I don't pay a lot of attention to what other guys are doing, I just concentrate on what I am doing and try to better myself.

  7. I agree. What someone else does is not goin to change a single thing I'm doing. Coming from a crossfit background has made that a little difficult, but I enjoy my training alot more competing against myself.


  8. Paul, I'm working on increasing my deadlift, but I'm finding that my grip strength isn't where it should be. What type of grip training do you do ?


    1. A couple of good options.

      Find the heaviest dumbbells you can, and hold them for time at the end of your workouts. Try to beat that time each week.

      Another option is to do above the knee rack pulls at about 10-20% of your best max deadlift, and hold that for time.

      Both work well.

    2. Also, are you going mixed grip?

    3. Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to add the db holds to my w/o this week. I am doing double overhand grip.

    4. Brian go mixed grip. That's your issue.

    5. I'll give it a shot on Sunday when I do them, and report back. Thanks.

    6. paul, just got done with my deadlift w/o using mixed grip. incredible, I was able to complete all my work sets using a mixed grip (no straps) with no problems at all. thanks for the advice.

    7. Awesome. A little trick to make your grip even tighter on the bar, is to think about turning it in your hands. So if you have the right hand supinated (palm out, curl grip) think about turning the bar clock wise, while you turn counter clock wise with the left hand. If you watch my deadlift videos you will see me do this.

  9. Hi Paul,

    I've been having some tendonitis issue in my triceps which I asked about awhile ago, and the advice you gave has helped out a lot so thanks. What I've been noticing now is at times it feels dull and achy and last for a few seconds then goes away. It's totally random when it happens, no real reason. Was wondering if you experienced this at all with your elbow problems?? I'm wondering if it's a result of being weak, blood flow, or the end part of being injuried, maybe a combination of all 3???? Can't wait for this to be recovered. Thanks.


    1. You will laugh, but that could be something as simple as the weather. I know my elbows are as good as they have been in a while, but they still ache now and then for no particular reason known to me.

      When they do I just throw in an extra day of curls and stretching and now I use the wrapping technique that Pendlay had on his website. That thing is magic.
