Friday, January 27, 2012

IronRadio Interview........

Talking about the 80-10-10 Training Rule


  1. Good show that, they should have you back again. Sidenote - I think you sound a bit like Robert Downey Jr

  2. Great interview. Congrats on being a big deal!

  3. Paul...I went into the gym the other day. I felt really weak...I got stapled by the weights I was supposed to hit. However, I did bang the hot yoga instructor in the gym bathroom. Is this a +10 day or a -10 day?

  4. 80%er. You throw out the -10 because of the +10. So just an 80% day. I'd keep trying it though.

  5. If I heard correctly you said that you wanna hit 660, 470 and 700 on your next meet beltless? That will be awesome. When exactly will your next meet be?

  6. Haha Justin. I would say the bang is worth at least an extra 5%. I also really enjoyed hearing you talk about doing "beginner" programs. I have always felt the same way when I look at the programs people write. I jumped to way too many "intermediate" and "advanced" training programs in my late teens/early twenties. Now I have come full circle as well.

  7. Orde - April 21st of this year. The UPA Nationals.

    Abe - Whenever I see programs laid out like that now I always think the beginner program looks the best, without fail.

  8. Really enjoyed the interview. Didn't even know Iron Radio existed, definitely gonna check back there regularly now. Great to listen to on the way to work.

    +1 to the above comments, and what you said in the interview, regarding beginner/intermediate/advanced training. Some of these advanced programs are insane. I shit you not I saw one with like 15 different exercises in one session for shoulders/upper tricep/rear lower inner chest.

  9. For bodybuilding I do think that working muscles from angles does have benefit. Not only that, it gives bodybuilders that "3-d" look that they want. Where each muscle is very developed. However if you're not competing in bodybuilding the main issue should be injury prevention through ridding yourself of muscular imbalance.

  10. Oh no, don't get me wrong training different variations/angles of movements is great. It's just when i see things like decline one arm cable flys on a bosu that i want to slam my head in a door.

    I think that's taking it to an extreme, people seem to see an "advanced" program as doing 20 tiny exercises to hit each individual muscle fibre separately rather than three big exercises to hit them all in a different way.
