Monday, November 7, 2011

Training - Errr....traps

Bodyweight - 235

Dynamic Shrugs -
135 x 5,5
225 x 5,5
315 x 3,3
405 x 3,3
500 x 3,3,3

Shrugs - 500 x 5, 585 x 5

Dynamic Shrugs -
405 x 5,5

Neck Crunches - 45 x 20,20,20
Ab Wheel - 3 sets of 10
1 Legged Calf - 3 sets of 20

Notes - With the dynamic shrugs, you can't go as heavy as normal shrugs if you do them right with a good ROM.  I really dip down to the knees then explode as hard up as I can.  500 didn't move as fast as I wanted so I will stay there until next week and see if the speed improves.

Felt great tonight.  The time off was good for me.


  1. Maybe this is one for the QandA but I cant hold back: The steady state in the morning, is that a light jog (or run actually) or a brisk walk?
