Thursday, August 18, 2011

Training - Cardio - Back and Biceps

Bodyweight - 246

A.M. - 40 minutes on treadmill at 3.9 mph

P.M. Lifting

Shrugs - 135 x 30, 225 x 20, 315 x 10, 405 x 10, 500 x 8, 585 x 8

T-Bar Rows - 3 plates x 8, 4 plates x 8, 5 plates x 8, 6 plates x 8, 7 plates x 6

Chins - body x 5, +25 x 5, +50 x 5

Strive Curls (mid resistance) - 115 x 5

Notes - Started off ok but ran out of gas.  I was tired from travelling most of the day.


  1. bit of routine ADD creeping in here paul?! since your meet you've went from a proposed 2x/wk to DC-type push/pull/legs back to 2x/wk+prehab and now seems like back to push/pull/legs but no RP? where's your head at man haha?! geoff

  2. Just walking in and doing what I want to for right now. My schedule is all over the place at the moment with travelling and some new clients. Until my schedule settles in a bit and I get into top conditioning I'm not overly concerned about lifting. I'll do what feels good for a while and that's about it.
