Sunday, February 13, 2011

Training - Traps

Shrugs -
135 x 30
225 x 20
315 x 10
405 x 8
500 x 5
585 x 5,5,5,5,5
635 x 3
585 x 5
500 x 15

1 arm db shrugs - 150 x 20

Notes - Was feeling good so I ran with it.


  1. How much rest are you getting between sets? I can only imagine a 60-90 second rest period would have been brutal. Do you stick with a pre-determined time and then time it via a stop watch, or just go with how your body is feeling?

  2. I don't rest long. It's def in the 60-90 second range. I don't watch a clock, I just go back at it when I feel it's time.
